The scripture for today is Psalms 34:8


Psalms 34:8 O, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.


Experience in the Word is an excellent test of Bible truth. If you have not experienced it by faith, you have no basis for evaluating it. Faith is the way the soul "tastes" the Lord. Anyone who puts their faith in the promises of God’s is guaranteed, by His word, to find out that God is good. No one who has not made such a commitment of faith is in a position to know God, and consequently, their opinion of Him is irrelevant.


“Apply to him by faith and prayer; plead His promises, He will fulfill them; and you shall know in consequence, that the Lord is good.” Adam Clarke  


The person who lives such a life will be blessed. God said so.


God bless you as you continue in His service.
