Psalms 19:9
The scripture for today is Psalms 19:9
Psalms 19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
Godly fear, the true reverence for God, His precepts and commandments, is clean and cleanses the heart. When we have the fear of God in our hearts it purges out the propensity for sin which pollutes the soul. God gives us the grace to turn away from that which is filthy and pollutes and turn to that which cleanses. The reverential fear of God is manifested and is clearly visible in the embracing of His word. God’s law cannot be altered and those who fear Him do not attempt to alter His law but rather love it. “God's judgments, all of them together, or each of them apart, are manifestly just, and need no laborious excuses to justify them. The judicial decisions of Jehovah, as revealed in the law, or illustrated in the history of His providence, are truth itself, and commend themselves to every truthful mind; not only is their power invincible, but their justice is unimpeachable.” The Treasury of David
Those who love the LORD with all of their hearts will in no way seek to avoid obedience to His moral law. His character is revealed there and those who are His desire to express His character in their lives. They will live in such a way that God’s empowering grace is manifested in them and their likeness to the One who begot them is evident. God is our Father, we should resemble Him in thought, word, and deed. His righteous judgments are true and even that which we now understand in part we embrace fully, knowing that one day we will see Him face to face.
God bless you as you continue in His service.