The scripture for today is Psalms 121:5-6


Psalms 121:5-6 The LORD is your keeper: the LORD is your shade upon your right hand.  The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.


God, who created all things and rules the universe, is the One who looks after us. The promise of God to His people is that in the midst of threats from any source, He is there with us; there is no need to fear. He tells us time and again in His word that He is our provider and nothing can take us from His hand. To live in fear is to dishonor God. He “is your keeper.” He provides protection for His people by day and by night. He stands guard over His own and nothing comes into their experience unless He allows it.


To come under this divine covering, we must follow His instructions. Just as Noah and those who trusted in God during the time of the flood entered the ark, so must we. The ark was the only place of safety that existed. Inside of the ark were the provisions of God. The people of God, "His church," only eight of them, were safe and secure there.  


God has made the same provision for His people today. Jesus Christ is the head of His church. He is in heaven and His church, the body of Christ, is on earth. The body of Christ is the place of safety today. It is the visible expression of the life of Christ on earth. When, by faith, we enter into Christ, we enter into His ark of safety, His body, His church. These are the ones who will stand in the last days when the plagues fall and will declare in praise, “The LORD is your keeper: the LORD is your shade upon your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.” Only those who have entered His ark of safety can sing that song. They sing it because Christ has redeemed them and they are His.


God bless you as you continue in His service.
