Matthew 5:45
The scripture for today is Matthew 5:45
Matthew 5:45 That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven: for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
The children of God are to be marked by a singular characteristic; they behave as God does. He is our Father and if we are truly His offspring, we should resemble Him in both motivation and conduct. Although God has the power to destroy all who oppose Him, His heart is not fixed on the destruction of people. He wants everyone to be saved. His heart of love is expressed in His long suffering with mankind. Time and again He extends His hand of mercy, giving everyone yet another opportunity to come to Him in repentance and receive His salvation. He does not withhold the sunshine and the rain from those who are evil; He freely allows everyone to experience the beauty of His creation and to receive the life-sustaining properties included in what He has provided. His love is without limit and His desire for mankind is readily seen through the sacrifice of Christ. He who knew no sin gave Himself for us who were completely sinful. Yes, God offers the greatest gift imaginable to everyone on planet earth.
As His children, we must also share the same love, which our Father has given to us, with those around us. It is not our position to judge who is worthy to receive His love; it is our position to give it freely to everyone, even those who are considered enemies of righteousness. There is a distinction between the children of the evil one and the children of God. That distinction is seen in the individual's character. "God is love" and His character of love is displayed in His children. None of us is any better than the rest of us. It is by God's grace, not our goodness, that we are changed into His likeness. The same grace has the power to change anyone who will open their heart to receive it. Because of His great love and grace all can become children of God through Christ Jesus. But we need to come to Him, surrender all that we are, so that He can change us to become like Him. Without surrender there is no change; but a surrendered heart becomes a changed heart, a heart that reflects the character of God.
God bless you as you continue in His service.