The scripture for today is Luke 12:29-30
Luke 12:29-30 And seek you not what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, neither be of anxious mind.  For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knows that you have need of these things.
The pursuit of gratification is the motivation for most of the human race. We all have to eat and drink and we all need proper shelter and clothing. But, if pursuing those things is the highest priority of our lives, we will miss the greater blessings that come from faith in God. 
If we are the center of our lives, then we must be self-reliant. We must take care of ourselves and ensure that we have what we perceive as necessary for our existence. We, therefore, spend much of our mental energy processing ways to accomplish the tasks of getting what we want. Jesus tells us that this way of thinking is the way of the world. The world is self-centered and self-absorbed. The decisions made by people who follow the world’s system are usually decisions considered to be in the “best interest” of the person. This process can be fraught with anxiety and worry because of insecurity. Because of the fear of lack, more than what is needed is often stored up. Jesus gives us instructions that are diametrically opposed to the way of the world. He says that we should not be anxious about the things that satisfy our natural appetites because God knows what we need.
We can live a self-reliant life, with the accompanying anxiety, or we can surrender our lives to God and allow Him to direct us, providing for our needs according to His will. We can trust ourselves or we can trust God. Jesus says that our Father knows what we have need of. If we put our faith in Him, we never have to be anxious about anything, much less the necessities of life. He will direct our paths and, whether we have little or much, in Him we will always have enough.
God bless you as you continue in His service.