John 8:36
The scripture for today is John 8:36
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.
In making this declaration, Jesus makes it clear that the only way to freedom is through Him. He does not offer a "temporary fix" for the sin problem that plagues mankind. He offers complete and total deliverance from the bondage and penalty of sin. True freedom means that the sin which held control over us no longer does. Jesus came to save us from the bondage of sin and He completed His mission to planet earth. "And she shall bring forth a son, and you shalt call his name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 Through Jesus Christ, we have been set free from the bondage of sin and that bondage no longer holds us captive. We no longer need to be slaves to that terrible tyrant; Christ has set us free.
Those who continue to struggle with sin must come to the cross of Christ in complete surrender and He will not deny them access to His grace and power. Everyone who truly surrenders his or her life to Christ will live in victory over sin because Christ, who lives within, is that victory. It is not something that we have to attain; it is something that He has already accomplished for us. We are in Him and there is no bondage, weakness, fear or sin in Him. Too often we think that living the Christian life is something that we do. Actually, it is something that we experience through Christ living in us. Our responsibility is to surrender to Him and He will live His life of perfect freedom through us. Jesus paid it all; there is no price that we can pay to obtain what He has already done. We must, however, open our hearts and receive this wonderful Savior. Giving is His part and receiving is our part. As we receive Him, we are changed; completely changed. No longer do we live lives that are ruled by the lusts of the flesh and dominated by its sinful desires. Our life comes from Christ our Savior. He lives in us and through us. Through Christ we live a life of freedom in this world and have a blessed hope for the world to come.
God bless you as you continue in His service.